Saturday, September 15, 2012

For the Birds

Between Branches


Photos taken from my front porch, September 2012

[Click to enlarge]

Friday, September 14, 2012

Art & Bed. Ode to Van Gogh.

A magnet I bought in 2005 at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam bears this quote from the artist under an image of The Bedroom, 1888, Oil on Canvas, 72 X 90 cm.

"The best pictures are those one dreams about while smoking a pipe in bed, but which never get done." 

Tonight I fought my desire to dream up art I wanted to make but didn't. Tonight I finally have an answer for Vincent...

The best nights of sleep are the ones I will forget I missed because I was up making art.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Branching out. Over time. Birch and acrylic.

August, 2010
I hiked slowly, slower than my Good companions, watching my feet. The ground was covered with moss, crunchy leaves, and white-peach and ashen bends of fallen birch bark. I gathered the bark not knowing why. The next day I waded waist deep into Lake Sunapee, lifting out tiny rafts of birch bark dimpling the water's surface.


September, 2011
I closed my eyes, trying to envision myself: an artist. To my surprise, there was a paintbrush in my hand instead of a camera... I was standing before a wall-sized canvas and applying thick, grand strokes of red over muted greens and yellows. Paint was dripping everywhere. Where this image came from seemed less important than where it would lead.


May, 2012
A perfect plant stand on the side of the road. I picked it up and began to walk away.
"Are you an artist?" a man hollered from across the street.
Jill and I exchanged a look, afraid we'd been caught steeling, and I shouted back "I am!"

He invited us into his building promising art supplies and we followed him into a windowless whitewashed storage room full of things he was done owning. It was a trove housing an armful of things I would take home.... a tackle box full of paint- acrylics in over a dozen shades, brushes (mostly unused), knives, thinner, palates, a low-end juicer. And a plant stand.

July, 2012

Untitled, birch and acrylic on canvas, painting by Sarah Berry
 Birch and acrylic on canvas


Saturday, September 1, 2012

On the last day of August

Cobi and I moved into a beautiful rental in mid-July. Here are some pictures I took in our garden yesterday. We're all unpacked and fully enjoying the literal fruits of our landlords' work. It is a joy to live here. 

Happy September to all!
