Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Telephone Relics" covered by Boston.com

The following review of my upcoming show, Telephone Relics, was taken from this website-- Boston.com's Allston Brighton news: http://www.boston.com/yourtown/news/allston_brighton/2012/10/photos_documenting_payphone_de.html?camp

Photos documenting payphone decline to be exhibited at Brighton library

Posted by Matt Rocheleau  October 24, 2012 03:58 PM
September 11 2008 Boston.jpg

(Sarah Berry) Public payphones in Boston photographed on Sept. 11, 2008.

An Allston artist’s photographs documenting the decline of public payphones will be on display next month at the Faneuil Branch of the Boston Public Library in Brighton’s Oak Square.
The “Telephone Relics” exhibition by Sarah Berry “very poignantly captures the changing history of telecom, convenience, functionally and design that has resulted in streetscape artifacts that linger as if they still had a purpose,” said a statement from the newly-founded, local nonprofit Unbound Visual Arts, Inc.
“As a result of the evolution from wired and wall-mounted phones to personal and pocket-sized, most people realize that public telephones, once prominent throughout the world, have significantly declined in usage,” the statement continued. “Sarah Berry has not only noticed this 21st century historical trend but presents us with artistic visual evidence.”
The exhibition debuts Saturday, Nov. 3 during a reception and artist discussion from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., the art organization said in an announcement. The gallery will be on display through Nov. 30.

Berry received a master’s of science in arts administration at Boston University, is program manager of The Art Connection in Boston and leads photography workshops through the city’s parks department, according to the nonprofit.
Her exhibits have appeared at BU, Boston City Hall, and in galleries in Washington D.C. and Fairfax, Va.
E-mail Matt Rocheleau at mjrochele@gmail.com.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Photographing the Guy Mendilow Ensemble

Tonight I had the pleasure of shooting the CD release performance of the Guy Mendilow Ensemble at Harvard University. The excitement, raw skill, and soul on stage was evident to everyone. Guy was a fantastic story teller and everyone on stage was a masterful musician.

There is really not much I like better than being surrounded by live music and seeing it come alive in my camera. Enjoy the photographs and please listen to the new album:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Painting Over the Past

A pay phone removed
From a community college corridor.
Now chatter can be overheard 
As told through cellphones 
 And into nearly invisible bluetooth devices,
Taking up no more than an ear-width of space.
The pay phone hardware is 
But still here.