Monday, September 29, 2008
Sushi, Shawarma, and Saris
Today I woke up to the sound of power tools. The apartment below us has been undergoing renovations for almost 6 months I'm told. I pray that means its almost ready. I did some work on the computer, had a leisurely breakfast with my dad (who works from home when he's here) and then walked. and walked. and walked. I coaxed dad outdoors with me with the ominous weather forcast for the days ahead. Today was sunny and gorgeous and we walked A LOT. And saw nothing of note to anyone who comes to Paris to see what they've seen on postcards. Anyone who knows my dad knows that he and I both share a taste for adventures of the unusual sort... we went to (in his words) the funky part of town. man, was it ever! african, asian, and arab immigrants. sushi, shawarma, and saris. it was wild. and sometimes a bit sketchy... i didn't take as many pictures as i would have liked to because i noticed my camera getting quite a bit of attention. it made me long for gordon, my loving bodyguard... and apparently cameraguard? dad and i stopped for some turkish dinner near a beautiful canal. nothing fancy (not sure anything fancy would thrive in that area) but super tasty kabob.